Mary Sutherland: A Path through the Trees — by Vivien Edwards
Celebration launch of ‘A Path Through the Trees: Mary Sutherland – forester, botanist and women’s advocate’ by Vivien Edwards
Why you will be interested in the story of Mary Sutherland:
- First woman in the world to graduate with a forestry degree (Bangor, North Wales, 1916)
- Employed as a professional forester by New Zealand State Forest Service (1923 – 1932)
- Botanist, Dominion Museum Wellington, (1933-1946)
- Supervisor/superintendent, YWCA hostel at Woburn (Lower Hutt) for young women employed on war work (1943-1946)
- First farm forestry officer, NZ Department of Agriculture (1946-1954)
- Founding member of NZ Institute of Forestry in 1927, designed official seal (forms basis of today’s logo), served on Council in 1936 and as vice-president 1941-42. Her legacy seeded the NZIF Foundation’s Mary Sutherland Scholarship
- Member of NZ Forestry League (elected to Council in 1936)
- Member of Botanical section of the Wellington Branch of the Philosophical Society.
- Member of NZ Federation of University Women (now Graduate Woman), served on Wellington branch and national committees
Professional forester, botanist and advocate for women’s access to higher education
A review of the book is available at https://www.ketebooks.co.nz/all-book-reviews/a-path-through-the-trees-vivien-edwards
Copies of the biography can be purchased on-line from the publisher at https://www.bookpublishing.co.nz/ or enquire at all good independent bookshops