Tauranga Writers is New Zealand’s longest-running self-help group for writers, established in 1967. Our mission statement is: getting you started and getting you published. Our mantra is: Writers write!

Members meet on the first Thursday of every month, 7pm at the Wesley Community Centre, 100 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranga. These meetings concentrate on work in progress and an exchange of information about writing, activities, projects and events. Visitors are always welcome.

On the third Sunday of the month TW holds a Writers on Writing Session from 2-4pm at the Greerton Library. Expertise is shared, mainly by members but also by professionals outside the group. These mini-workshops are open to the general public for a $15 entry fee ($10 for members). Many collective and individual accomplishments have been achieved over the years, giving the club a base of history and experience. Tauranga Writers has close associations with New Zealand Society of Authors, Tauranga Writers for Children, Bookrapt and the Friends of Tauranga City Libraries, to name a few.

Tauranga Writers provides free resources and training documents. We understand the importance of promotion, and provide that opportunity on this website and through our weekly communications with writers, members and authors.

For more resources and about writers’ rights we recommend you include in your search a visit to www.authors.org.nz