Favourite Books 2016 – Week 2

2017-05-18T01:14:58+12:00January 8, 2017|

Books are simply one of my great loves. I love the feel of a book, the smell of it whether new or old, and the fun of placing of it on my bookshelves in different locations. Deciding where a book should sit is always [...]

Leader Remembers – Week 1

2017-05-18T01:17:59+12:00January 1, 2017|

In 1967 you could buy a 4-bedroom house in Otumoetai for $6,950 with wood floors throughout and a double garage – and a new Holden to park in that garage for just under $1,100. Ho Chi Minh was on trial for war crimes in [...]

Report on Project XYZ

2017-05-18T00:45:49+12:00December 1, 2016|

Report on Project XYZ at Tauranga Writers AGM 1 December 2016 Presented by Gillian Cook Project XYZ was created in April 2016 after 20 Tauranga Writers indicated a need to self-publish. The project was first going to be a process of application for funding to [...]

Sunday Focus Session 15th May 2016

2017-05-18T00:46:00+12:00May 15, 2016|

REPORT OF A SUNDAY FOCUS SESSION HELD ON SUNDAY 15TH MAY 2016 AT FORGET-ME-NOT HOUSE, 116 13TH AVENUE  PRESENT: Jenny Argante, Gillian Cook, Loretta Crawford, Bill Hamilton, Gaye Hemsley, Kinsa Hays, Diane Hume-Green, Robin Lee-Robinson, Jackie Martin, Sam Woodward and Joy, a visitor our session. (Did [...]

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