Creative Conversations
3rd of 3 Panel Series
Four writers from diverse sections of our society share experiences of writing about themselves and their communities.
What obstacles have they encountered and has their narrative been a tool in breaking down divisions in society?
Sunday 30th October 2022, 2:00-4:00pm
Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road, Gate Pa
$10 ($5 for Tauranga Writers members)
As the library closes at 1:30 pm, ENTRY is through the SIDE door across from the parking area.
Books will be available for purchase, and afternoon tea supplied
Cash only please as EFTPOS is not available at these meetings
For information about Tauranga Writers see our website, join our Facebook page, or contact taurangawritersnz@gmail.com.
Sunday Focus Sessions are usually held every third Sunday (except for this one in October) in the Heremanuhiri Room at Greerton Library from 2-4pm.
Work in Progress meetings are held on the first Thursday at the Wesley Methodist Church on 13th Avenue from 7-9pm.