We are approaching the end of the first month of 2017, and I am still gathering blog posts for the rest of the year. February is all booked up but only half of March has someone assigned to a week. After March my year of blog posts has lots of wide open spaces. All of April and half of May are looking for a writer to stimulate our minds. From July to early December there is a big empty space, but I am not going to worry about that until later in the year.

Right now I am interested to hear if anyone else has some stories to share, some musings on life in general or some information about the book they are trying to get people to buy.

If you have a short piece, then please send it to me at marcushobsonauthor@gmail.com

We have already provided some rules and guidelines, although these are few are far between. I have asked if people want to select a particular week to let me know, it other than than just keep it between say 200 and 500 words, on what ever subject you like.

Let’s fill up the jubilee year with some Tauranga writing.

PS Remember there are lots of writing competitions out there with closing dates from February onwards. So make 2017 your year of writing.