Bars Close, Minds Open – Week 14

2017-05-18T00:51:04+12:00April 5, 2017|

When I was young and single – with no kids and few responsibilities – I loved to sit in the pub with my mates and solve the world’s problems. We enjoyed plenty of discussion of ‘what they should do’ and, after a few tankards [...]

Beauty of Natural Drop – Week 13

2017-05-09T20:01:46+12:00March 26, 2017|

Funny how birthdays make you sit up and wonder.  Mine was yesterday and after all these years I consider what correlation the 25th March has to do with the seasons. We are entering autumn in New Zealand, a time for leaves to stop receiving [...]

Nuggets and Knowledge – Week 10

2017-05-18T00:52:53+12:00March 5, 2017|

I have always written but it was always in schoolbooks, and then when I caught up with technology, on the computer. All these short stories, poems, wonderful children’s stories, all hidden in folders in the computer. There is something liberating in never having to [...]

A Writer’s Journey – Week 9

2017-05-18T00:55:01+12:00February 26, 2017|

I am not an author… yet I am a writer, I suppose, because I am trying to write a book. It all started about 15 years ago, when my kids were little, and Harry Potter had become a BIG craze. My husband and I [...]

Bravery Publishes – Week 8

2017-05-18T00:58:58+12:00February 19, 2017|

I am always amazed how my brain can compose a blog but when I try to put it on paper, nothing happens. When putting up my hand to write a blog for Week Eight of Tauranga Writers 50th Anniversary celebration it seemed so simple. [...]

Characters Enjoyed – Week 7

2017-05-18T01:00:42+12:00February 12, 2017|

I first realised I had writing ability when I was in Form 2 at Otaki School, because of the encouragement of a good teacher, Mr McSweeny. He gave us essays to write and often read mine to the class. The essay to be written [...]

Diary of a Procrastinator – Week 6

2017-05-18T01:06:09+12:00February 5, 2017|

Day 2. Haven’t written anything for weeks. Maybe I have lost it? Daughter no. 2 is getting married at end of the month. She wants a wedding poem. A challenge; I could write about death, divorce, depression, the trials of parenthood. But something romantic? [...]

Blogs Call – Week 5

2017-05-18T01:07:58+12:00January 25, 2017|

We are approaching the end of the first month of 2017, and I am still gathering blog posts for the rest of the year. February is all booked up but only half of March has someone assigned to a week. After March my year [...]

Synchronising Education and Jobs – Week 4

2017-05-09T20:04:32+12:00January 22, 2017|

Becoming a journalist was my third career, and one that came after much consideration and work experience with a local community paper that was privately owned called the Guardian (in Palmerston North). By the time I exited my training 18 months later, the business [...]

Time to Create – Week 3

2017-05-18T01:13:59+12:00January 15, 2017|

Suddenly there is an idea –– like a jolt it hits you and if you take hold of it, it will take hold of you and then together you ride the wave until the idea is a reality and finally you have a book. [...]

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