Sunday Focus 16 September 2018

2018-09-18T08:44:25+12:00September 18, 2018|

By Lovonne Campbell Tauranga Writers Sunday Focus 16 September 2018, 2 - 4pm @Greerton Library 18 people in attendance Note: There will not be a Sunday Focus in October (Labour Weekend) Instead, we will have stalls for: Books from Our Own Backyard 19thOctober Focus on Women Expo 27/28 [...]

Qualifying as an Antique

2018-06-05T00:40:48+12:00June 5, 2018|

A presentation on 2nd April 2017 by by Tauranga Writers president Jenny Argante to the Tauranga Historical Society. Tauranga Writers was founded on the 21st June 1967. If I were to write my own memoir, I would begin, “I am a word wizard born [...]

Reading the Past, Writing the Future

2018-06-05T00:30:05+12:00June 5, 2018|

Jenny Argante's 2002 winning essay in Takehe Cultural Studies Competition Make it new, said Pound, and the Modernists listened. Yet there was an inherent paradox within his words, for he also instructed us to immerse ourselves in ‘the river of tradition’.And how else can [...]

Treat for Sunday with Lee

2018-05-23T01:16:07+12:00May 23, 2018|

A treat for those who attended our Sunday Focus meeting at Greerton Library May 20 from our own local and steadily growing prolific author Lee Murray. Her journey of trials and tribulations is taking her to new contracts and recognition - but it didn’t happen overnight. Lee [...]

Writers Timeless

2017-11-23T07:30:54+13:00November 23, 2017|

Poetry, music, song and games - yes, a real live parlour party -  for just a few hours in the fitting surrounds of  Tauranga's Historic Village hall on Saturday 2nd December. This event is Tauranga Writers last on the list for its Jubilee year. It's also a tribute to writers [...]

Not About Time

2017-09-04T01:51:33+12:00September 4, 2017|

Anne Cleary Not About Time When I look back to the period of time during which I wrote my two novels, I often wonder how I managed it. I was busy – far busier than I am now – home-schooling my two children. Yet [...]

Blog – By Kinsa Hays

2017-07-14T04:16:58+12:00July 14, 2017|

I’ve been writing for years and clogging up my laptop memory with short stories and novels. When I joined Tauranga Writers, some of them began to pop up their heads and get published. I like to write for children and include the environment in [...]

StokerCon – not as scary as you might think

2017-07-14T03:42:26+12:00July 13, 2017|

In April 2017, I attended the international Horror Writers Association’s second annual StokerCon conference, a convention bringing together creatives and consumers of the horror genre: writers, screenwriters, illustrators, game designers, graphic artists, podcasters, voice talent and filmmakers. Held, on this occasion, on Long Beach’s [...]

Chocolates are for Sharing

2017-07-14T04:17:16+12:00July 10, 2017|

This story begins during my childhood in the Feltham Children's Home at Otaki Beach. On Boxing Day morning Aunty Maud, who was Miss Feltham's main helper, asked me to collect chicken scraps from the Devantier's beach bach. “They're expecting you,” she said. “And be [...]

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