Venue 2019

2021-04-28T19:36:44+12:00December 17, 2018|

Monthly Thursday Work in Progress meetings resume February 7, 2019. The venue may change to The Historic Village's Incubator (The Artery) but a decision will not be made until mid January. Keep a watchful eye on the Facebook link from our Home Page - the Work in Progress link. If [...]

Michael King Residency Report, November, 2018

2018-11-28T04:20:55+13:00November 28, 2018|

Residency day seven, high on Takarunga (Mount Victoria) Devonport. It's late afternoon and I'm looking west through the studio window between the lilies and the flax bushes. The sun glints on the endless stream of traffic on the Auckland Harbour Bridge and I'm so [...]

Oct Sunday Focus Cancelled

2018-10-20T23:43:25+13:00October 20, 2018|

Sunday Focus 21 October has been cancelled due to two other events held this month - that being, 19 October Books From Your Own Backyard and 26, 27 October Women's Focus Expo at ASB Arena. We'll see you back at the Greerton Library, last [...]

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